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Code Number For safe Plactics
Many products, such as bottles, bowl and plates, are made from various types of plastic.
Manufacturers follow a coding system and place an SPI code on the product they made, where SPI are Society of the Plastics Industry established a classification system in 1988 to allow consumers and recyclers to properly recycle and dispose of different types of plastic.

Consumers can make better plastic-purchasing decisions if they understand SPI codes 
This guide provides a basic outline of the different plastic types associated with each code number.

Code #1 is code for plastic made with Polyethylene Terephthalate,

Code #2 is code for plastic made with High-Density Polyethylene, or HDPE.

Code #3 is code for plastic made with Polyvinyl Chloride, or PVC.

Code #4 is code for plastic made with Low-Density Polyethylene, or LDPE.
LDPE is not commonly recycled, but it is recyclable in certain areas

Code #5 is code for plastic made with Polypropylene,(PP). PP is not recycled, but it is accepted in many areas.
Many  products use it are Tupperware, margarine containers, make plastic diapers, , prescription bottles, and some stadium cups. Plastic bottle caps are often made from PP as well.

Code #6  is code for plastic made with Polystyrene (PS) and known as Styrofoam. It is commonly recycled,
Use in plastic food boxes, plastic cutlery, packing foam,

Code# 7 is Polycarbonate and Polylactide These types of plastics are difficult to recycle. Polycarbonate  is used in baby bottles, compact discs, and medical storage containers

If your product doesn't have a number on it, assume the worst, and throw it out. Better safe than sorry.
So what About TUPPERWARE do you use? are you Sure TUPPERWARE is good product?
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